Certified Webmaster Application
If you want to become a Certified Webmaster, you must:
- Have a good reputation. That means have at least 5 reviews, and have a rating of 9/10 or higher. If your rating ever falls below 8/10 for more than 30 days, you will lose your Certified Webmaster status. In such a case you will have another 30 days to bring your rating back to 8/10 or higher, to get your status back, without having to re-apply.
- Agree to and abide by the Certified Terms, in addition to the regular AgoraPros.com Terms.
What happens next?
After you submit this application, we will review it, and based on the information you submit let you know if you are approved. At that point you will be asked to pay for the first month. Then we get some more information from you, including confirmation of your phone number, and you will become a Certified Webmaster within 48 hours of paying. If at that point we decide you can't become a Certified Webmaster for some reason, we will refund your money. Once you become a Certified Webmaster we might still require more information from you, including confirmation of your mailing address. We will never ask for any financial or personal information from you, and will not disclose anything you ask us not to. You can cancel your Certified Webmaster status anytime you want, but if you want it back, you will have to pay the startup fee again. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Fill out this form and press the submit button: